06/13/2019 – North Suicide

E. Marquez will lead "North Suicide" with a duration of 4 hours somewwhere in Turnagain Arm.

Meet at 6:30 pm at the Falls Creek Trailhead on the Seward Highway. We will ascend by trail and cross country to the ridge above Windy Gap. We will not ascend South Suicide Peak but will instead descend to Windy Gap via a sheep trail. Following an ascent of North Suicide Peak we will reverse the route.

06/06/2019 – Flipping the Bird

Rob DeVelice will lead "Flipping the Bird " with a duration of 3 hours somewwhere in Turnagain Arm.

Meet at 6:30 pm at the Bird Valley Trailhead at the end of Konikson Road in Bird. We will leave a vehicle there and car pool to the start along the Bird to Gird Bike Path. From there we will bushwack steeply up towards the tower on Penguin Ridge and out via the Penguin Peak Trail.

05/30/2019 – Bird Flew

Jesse Gobeli will lead "Bird Flew" with a duration of 3.5 hours somewwhere in Turnagain Arm.

Meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Bird Creek Mega Parking Lot in the old rock quarry.  We will take the all time classic Bird Flew route – Bird Creek to Ridge and return.

05/23/2019 – Highland Cottage Industries

Lee Helzer will lead "Highland Cottage Industries " with a duration of 3 hours somewwhere in Eagle River - South.

Join the Sorrell family for a 6:30 departure from 8182 Stewart Mountain Dr. (the first house on the right on Highland road for their inaugural bushwhack up to the summit of Highland mountain.  Park near the detached upper garage and try not to block the main (middle) driveway.  A post epic beverage will likely be enjoyed.

05/16/2019 – Tortilla Chip

E. Marquez will lead "Tortilla Chip" with a duration of 4 hours somewwhere in Turnagain Arm.

Meet at 6:30 pm at the Windy Corner trailhead on the Seward Highway. The route will follow the Turnagain Arm Trail for a short distance and will then proceed steeply up to Sheep Thrills Ridge via bushwhacking and scrambling. From there we will proceed to a high point (the “Tortilla Chip”). Ultimately, we will drop down to Falls Creek and back to Windy Corner.

05/09/2019 – New Rarajipari Route

Rob DeVelice will lead "New Rarajipari Route" with a duration of 1.5 hours somewwhere in West Anchorage.

Meet at 6:30 pm at the north edge of the stadium parking lot in Kincaid Park. We will be playing a non-competitive variation of the running game played by the Raramuri of the Copper Canyon region of Mexico. We will kick a baseball along varied terrain (with lots of laughs and joy along the way).

04/25/2019 – Hole In the Wall

Jesse Gobeli will lead "Hole In the Wall" with a duration of 3 hours somewwhere in Turnagain Arm.

Meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Rainbow trailhead on the Seward Highway.  We will follow game trails to the hole-in-the-wall area, and beyond to the McHugh lakes.  We will return by a varied route.

04/11/2019 – Multiple Choice

Rob DeVelice will lead "Multiple Choice" with a duration of 2 hours somewwhere in Turnagain Arm.

Meet at 6:30 pm outside the gate at the McHugh parking area. We will head out on the Turnagain Arm and McHugh Lake trails to a overlook. From there choices will be made on where to proceed.

04/04/2019 – Rays on Rainbow

Lee Helzer will lead "Rays on Rainbow" with a duration of 3.5 hours somewwhere in Turnagain Arm.

Meet at 6:30 in the Telephone Pole Rock parking area (on the left after Beluga Point) on the Seward Highway. We will head up to the Turnagain Arm Trail and then diverge onto a ridge heading towards the Black Mesa. From there we will continue with ice ax and micro spikes up the North Face of Rainbow Peak (hopefully) enjoying a beautiful sunset along the way.

From the summit we will take the standard route back to the Turnagain Arm Trail and return to the cars. There are out and back opportunities for those not desiring partaking in the full enchilada.

03/28/2019 – Rabbit Run

Jesse Gobeli will lead "Rabbit Run" with a duration of 3.5 hours somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

Meet at the Rabbit lakes trailhead at 6:30.   We will take the direct route to Flattop, then proceed to Flaketop and then back to the trailhead on the main trail.