10/08/2015 – Kincaidia

Rob DeVelice will lead "Kincaidia" with a duration of 2 hours somewwhere in West Anchorage.

Rendezvous at 6:30 pm in the Little Campbell Lake parking area in Kincaid Park to join Rob D on a two hour circumnavigation of the park. The route will feature a mix of single track foot and bike trails, ski trails, and fence line trails.

08/20/2015 – Warren Zoff

Heather Helzer will lead "Warren Zoff" with a duration of 2 hours somewwhere in West Anchorage.

Meet at 6:30 pm in the Point Woronzof parking area. We will be doing a mellow figure eight circuit on beaches and the Coastal Trail.  This will be Lee’s first Epic back after breaking his toe.  We hope to find raspberry patches , so bring something to put them in.

03/19/2015 – Beaches and Sunsets

Lee Helzer will lead "Beaches and Sunsets" with a duration of 2 hours somewwhere in West Anchorage.

Meet at the Little Campbell Lake parking lot in Kincaid Park at 6:30.  From the lake we’ll make our way to the coast and take the icy beach to the bluffs where we will (hopefully) marvel at the wonderful sunset.  We’ll exit the great sand dunes and take a series of trails back to the beach on the lake.  **Micro spikes Highly recommended** and expect wet feet if temps are above freezing.

03/12/2015 – Indianhouse Bowl

E. Marquez will lead "Indianhouse Bowl" with a duration of 2 hours somewwhere in Turnagain Arm.

Meet at 6:30 at the Falls Creek Trailhead.   We will head up the trail for about an hour, explore the Indianhouse bowl, and return.   Microspikes are recommended.

02/05/2015 – Simply Potter

Rob DeVelice will lead "Simply Potter" with a duration of 2 hours somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

Meet at 6:15 pm at Goldenview Middle School (on Goldenview Drive) for carpooling to the start. We will follow seldom used routes to the ridge splitting Potter and Little Rabbit Creek valleys. We will then follow the ridge trail towards McHugh Peak and return via a loop configuration. Traction devices recommended.

11/27/2014 – LOTR

Rob DeVelice will lead "LOTR" with a duration of 2 hours somewwhere in West Anchorage.

Meet at 8 am (note morning start time) in the Raspberry parking area in Kincaid Park. This Thanksgiving daytime outing will also be in celebration of 14 years of Epics.

The entire route will be on single track trails in a loop configuration.

10/23/2014 – Eva’s Loop

Rob DeVelice will lead "Eva's Loop" with a duration of 2 hours somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

Rendezvous at the intersection of Upper De Armoun and Canyon roads at 6:15 pm for car pooling to the trailhead (NOT the Rabbit Creek Trailhead). We will proceed on semi-unfrequented single track trails and some cross-country in a loop configuration southwest of Rabbit Creek.

The photo below is a digital creation by rld.