10/11/2018 – Rarajipari

Rob DeVelice will lead "Rarajipari" with a duration of 1.5 hours somewwhere in West Anchorage.

Meet at 6:30 pm in the Raspberry parking area in Kincaid Park. We will play a version of the Tarahumara running game, Rarajipari. As a team we will kick a baseball ahead on a mix of ski trails. It’s sure to be a fun time!

09/20/2018 – A Stroll in the Park

Rob DeVelice will lead "A Stroll in the Park" with a duration of 1.5 hours somewwhere in West Anchorage.

Meet at 6:30 pm in the Raspberry parking area in Kincaid park. We will explore a mix of cross country ski trails, single track trails, and miscellaneous bushwhacks. Expect a slow pace and savoring the moments.

02/01/2018 – Pokey Man

Rob DeVelice will lead "Pokey Man" with a duration of 1.5 hours somewwhere in West Anchorage.

Meet at 6:30 pm in the parking area of the water treatment facility (next right after Point Woronzof). We will mostly walk a loop including a not maintained rolling trail in the woods and segments of the groomed Coastal Trail.

12/28/2017 – Gimping Along

Lee Helzer will lead "Gimping Along" with a duration of 2 hours somewwhere in West Anchorage.

Meet in the Jodhpure parking lot of Kincaid park for an easy ramble along well established trails.  The running pace will be slow and bikes are a good alternative if you don’t feel like running.

12/07/2017 – Seventeenth Anniversary

Lee Helzer will lead "Seventeenth Anniversary" with a duration of 1 hour somewwhere in West Anchorage.

Join in this seventeenth anniversary Epic.

Meet at 6:30 pm in the parking area of the Anchorage wastewater treatment facility (the next right after passing the Point Woronzof turnoff). We will complete a one-hour run-walk loop along the beach and return via the Coastal Trail.

After the outing, those so desiring will head to The Rustic Goat (2800 Turnagain Street) for dinner, beverages, and conversation.

10/12/2017 – Bike or Hike

Rob DeVelice will lead "Bike or Hike" with a duration of 1.5 hours somewwhere in West Anchorage.

Meet at 6:30 pm in the parking lot for Earthquake Park (just past intersection with Lake Hood Drive) on Northern Lights Blvd. I’ll be riding a bike and you can too if you like. We will proceed on the Coastal Trail towards Kincaid Park by bike or foot, and return. Participants seeking greater adventure may desire splitting off onto less trodden paths in the woods or on the beach.