04/05/2012 – Tire Iron

E. Marquez will lead "Tire Iron" with a duration of 3.5 hours somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

Meet at 6:30 pm at the Glen Alps trailhead. W.e will take the trail up Nintendo
Hill to the Ballfield. We will ascend the standard gully to O’Malley ridge, ascend
to the peak, and return via Hidden Lake.

03/01/2012 – Nintendo Hill

E. Marquez will lead "Nintendo Hill" with a duration of 3 hours somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

Meet at 6:30 pm at the Prospect Heights Trailhead. We will take the Powerline
Trail uphill towards Glen Alps. We will then take the Middle Fork Trail across
the creek and climb uphill to the Ballfield. Return will be via the same route.

06/14/2007 – Flattop Figure 8

Anne Ver Hoef will lead "Flattop Figure 8" with a duration of 2.5 hours somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

Anne Ver Hoef; Flattop Figure 8; class 2; 2.5 hours; meet at 6:15 pm (for carpooling) at the curve where Upper DeArmoun goes to the right onto Canyon Road OR at Rabbit Lake trailhead at 6:30 pm; we will take the trail up the south side of Flattop, across the ridges over Peak Two, down the north side to the Powerline Trail, go along the Powerline for a little ways, and back up to the ridge and low spot between Flatop and Peak Two, and will finally descend the trail back to Rabbit Lake Trailhead; route includes some off trail sections through low brush and rocks.

07/13/2006 – Knoya-Kanchee Loop

Rob DeVelice will lead "Knoya-Kanchee Loop" with a duration of 4 hours somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

Rendezvous at 6:30 pm in the small parking area at the junction of Basher Drive and Kalmia Court high in the Stuckagain Heights area. For a map, look at the inset for map 7 in the ACS Yellow Pages.

The route will go over the summits of the Dome, Knoya Peak, Kanchee Peak, and many other unnamed peaks.

03/10/2005 – Rainbow Peak Adventure

Rob DeVelice will lead "Rainbow Peak Adventure" with a duration of 4 hours somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

Meet at 6:30 pm at Telephone Pole Rock on the Seward Highway. Heading towards Girdwood, the parking area is on the left just after you pass Beluga Point.

This will be an out and back adventure with the middle third involving rock scrambling and traversing some steep snow slopes. Go out as far as you have time for or feel comfortable with.

12/09/2004 – High Adventure on Wolverine Ridge

Rob DeVelice will lead "High Adventure on Wolverine Ridge" with a duration of 3.5 hours somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

Meet at 6:30 pm in the Prospect Heights parking area on the Anchorage Hillside. We will do a figure of nine route as follows: 1) up the Wolverine Bowl Trail to the Wolverine/Williwaw Lakes Trail; 2) up the Wolverine/Williwaw Lakes Trail to a bushwack ascent of Wolverine Ridge; 3) along the ridge to the Wolverine Bowl Trail; 4) down the Wolverine Bowl Trail to the parking area.

Be prepared for deep snow.