10/29/2020 – 2000 Foot Ceiling

E. Marquez will lead "2000 Foot Ceiling" with a duration of 2.5 hours somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

Meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Basher Road trailhead (on the right hand side before the neighborhood).   From there we will run to the end of Basher Road, to the Near Point trail, ascend through the spruce forest and staying below 2000 feet in elevation, complete a loop back to the trailhead.

10/22/2020 – McHugh Mix

Jesse Gobeli will lead "McHugh Mix" with a duration of 2.5 hours somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

Meet at 6:30 p.m. at the lower McHugh Parking Lot.   We will proceed along a mix of terrain, including forest paths and rocky scrambles, depending on the whims of the participants as we head toward a high point on the ridge and return.

10/15/2020 – O’Malley Ridge

E. Marquez will lead "O'Malley Ridge " with a duration of 3 hours somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

Meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Glen Alps trailhead.  We will take the trail to ascend Nintendo Hill, cross the ballfield, then ascend the gulley that tops out on the ridgeline to O’Malley Peak.   To return, we will drop down on the other side towards Hidden Lake, and return to the trailhead.

10/08/2020 – 60!!!

Anne Ver Hoef will lead "60!!!" with a duration of 1 hour somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

NOTE:  Start time:  6:00pm

Meet for start time at 6:00pm for a run of 60 minutes, 60 seconds.  Do you see a theme?  Yes, I am turning 60 years young; wishing to celebrate by doing something I love – running in the mountains.  Meet at Glen Alps parking lot (original lot) for an excursion up to the Ballfield by the traditional route and return by the new trail.  Take a headlamp in case we venture out past dark.

10/01/2020 – Vista Peak

Jesse Gobeli will lead "Vista Peak" with a duration of 3.5 hours somewwhere in Eagle River - North.

Meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Mile Hi traihead off of Eagle River Road.  The route will be an out and back dash to the top of Vista Peak.

09/24/2020 – Rays on Rainbow

Lee Helzer will lead "Rays on Rainbow" with a duration of 3.5 hours somewwhere in Turnagain Arm.

Meet at 6:30 in the Telephone Pole Rock parking area (on the left after Beluga Point) on the Seward Highway. We will head up to the Turnagain Arm Trail and then diverge onto a ridge heading towards the Black Mesa. From there we will continue up the North Face of Rainbow Peak (hopefully) enjoying a beautiful sunset along the way.

From the summit we will take the standard route back to the Turnagain Arm Trail and return to the cars. There are out and back opportunities for those not desiring partaking in the full enchilada.

09/10/2020 – Penguin Peak

Anne Ver Hoef will lead "Penguin Peak" with a duration of 3 hours somewwhere in Turnagain Arm.

Meet at 6:30pm at trailhead:  turn left off Seward Hwy on Konikson Rd (past Bird Creek trailhead and campground) and go to the end of the dirt road to large parking lot.  This is an out-and-back of 6.3 miles and elevation gain of over 4000 ft.  Be prepared for a climb!  May bring a headlamp, just in case.

09/03/2020 – Harp Mountain

E. Marquez will lead "Harp Mountain" with a duration of 3 hours somewwhere in Eagle River - South.

Meet at 6:30 p.m. at the South Fork Eagle River Trailhead.   We will take the main trail to the Hanging Valley, then ascend Harp Mountain and return.

08/27/2020 – See Me, Feel Me

Jesse Gobeli will lead "See Me, Feel Me" with a duration of 3.5 hours somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

Meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Prospect Heights trailhead.  We will take the middle fork trail to just below Rusty Point where we will quickly diverge for the high point.  We will proceed along the ridge to Wolverine with a return over Near Point.

08/13/2020 – 907 Goat

Lee Helzer will lead "907 Goat" with a duration of 3.5 hours somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

Meet at 14815 Echo Canyon Rd. off of Canyon Rd. for a 6:30 departure.  Park by the basketball hoop past the driveway.  Please keep dogs on leash at the house due to cats on the loose.

We will take a quick jaunt down Eva’s trail, then sneak back up to Canyon Rd. on the secret trail.  From the trailhead we will head up Peak 3 and follow the ridge back to Ptarmigan pass, then drop down to the Powerline trail.  We will follow the Powerline trail  for a bit before we B-line to Canyon Rd. via the pass between Flattop and Peak 2.  Canyon Rd. will take us back to the start.  If we so choose we can record our names on the finisher clipboard.

See this link for details: https://www.strava.com/activities/3885342193