05/10/2012 – Indianhouse Ridge

E. Marquez will lead "Indianhouse Ridge" with a duration of 3.5 hours somewwhere in Turnagain Arm.

Meet at 6:30 pm at the Falls Creek Trailhead on the Seward Highway. We
will head out on the trail towards Indian, and about a half mile out, will head
uphill to the top of the ridge. We will stay onthe ridge for awhile, then come
down towards southeast face and back to start.

04/05/2012 – Tire Iron

E. Marquez will lead "Tire Iron" with a duration of 3.5 hours somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

Meet at 6:30 pm at the Glen Alps trailhead. W.e will take the trail up Nintendo
Hill to the Ballfield. We will ascend the standard gully to O’Malley ridge, ascend
to the peak, and return via Hidden Lake.

09/01/2005 – Westchester-Airport Road Run Loop

Rob DeVelice will lead "Westchester-Airport Road Run Loop" with a duration of 3.5 hours somewwhere in West Anchorage.

This outing will last about 3.5 hours and cover about 22 miles
(see bottom of this page for details).

Rendezvous in the Westchester Lagoon ice skaters parking lot (intersection of 15th Avenue and U Street) for a 6:30 pm start.

From the lagoon, we will proceed to Kincaid Chalet on the Coastal Trail, take Raspberry Road to Jewel Lake Road, and then navigate on various paved roads and trails back to Westchester Lagoon. This is a fast, most flat, and a straight forward route by Epic standards.

12/09/2004 – High Adventure on Wolverine Ridge

Rob DeVelice will lead "High Adventure on Wolverine Ridge" with a duration of 3.5 hours somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

Meet at 6:30 pm in the Prospect Heights parking area on the Anchorage Hillside. We will do a figure of nine route as follows: 1) up the Wolverine Bowl Trail to the Wolverine/Williwaw Lakes Trail; 2) up the Wolverine/Williwaw Lakes Trail to a bushwack ascent of Wolverine Ridge; 3) along the ridge to the Wolverine Bowl Trail; 4) down the Wolverine Bowl Trail to the parking area.

Be prepared for deep snow.