03/10/2022 – Eagle River

Lee Helzer will lead "Eagle River" with a duration of 4 hours somewwhere in Eagle River - South.

Meet at the Eagle River Greenbelt day use area just south of Eagle River before the Briggs Bridge off Eagle River Loop Road for a 6:30 departure.  We will adventure upstream and if conditions are ideal will continue to where the river meets Eagle River Road for a point A to B route.  Trail reports show open water, but are unclear how far the packed tail will be.  If conditions are unfavorable we will return via the Lower Eagle River Trail.

Expect wet feet.


03/03/2022 – Lost Hammer

E. Marquez will lead "Lost Hammer" with a duration of 3 hours somewwhere in Turnagain Arm.

Meet at 6:30 p.m. at the McHugh Creek trailhead.  We will take the Turnagain Arm trail to Mile 2, before heading uphill to the ridge and Potter overlook.  We will vary the route on the return.  Snowshoes are advisable.

02/24/2022 – No Man’s Land!

Jesse Gobeli will lead "No Man's Land!" with a duration of 3 hours somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

Meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Prospect Heights trailhead.  We will proceed via the main trail up Wolverine, but we will diverge at the giant boulder and foray into the No Man’s Land between Wolverine and Near Point.   We will return over Near Point.  Snowshoes are advised.

02/17/2022 – A Little Snow Turtling

Lee Helzer will lead "A Little Snow Turtling" with a duration of 3 hours somewwhere in East Anchorage.

Meet for a 6:30 departure from the sewage plant parking area just beyond the Point Woronzof parking lot.  We will try to avoid the deep snow and slippery roads heading to higher trailheads.  We’ll tour the muddy coast and return via snowy trails.

02/10/2022 – Black Lake Loop

E. Marquez will lead "Black Lake Loop" with a duration of 3 hours somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

Meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Glen Alps trailhead. We will head up to and traverse across the ballfield toward the high point overlooking black lake.   We will return by the same route.

02/03/2022 – Change of Direction

Jesse Gobeli will lead "Change of Direction" with a duration of 3 hours somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

Meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Glen Alps trailhead.  We will take the powerline trail out towards the bridge and hidden lake trail, and head up to the giant snow drift.  From there we will ascend higher towards Hidden Lake and return by a route chosen by participants.  Snowshoes are recommended.

01/13/2022 – Hemlock Burn trail loop

Anne Ver Hoef will lead "Hemlock Burn trail loop" with a duration of 2.5 hours somewwhere in The Chugach Front Range.

Meet at 6:30pm Prospect Trailhead.  We will likely head uphill on the new Hemlock Burn trail to Glen Alps and then back down the Powerline or other small trails.  Microspikes may be desired – depending on if we get new snow.  There are some slick spots, but not many.

12/23/2021 – Wrapping it Up

Jesse Gobeli will lead "Wrapping it Up" with a duration of 2.5 hours somewwhere in Turnagain Arm.

Meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Weigh Station just south of Potter Marsh.  We will jump onto the Turnagain Arm trail, follow the trail for a mile or so, then bushwhack uphill for a ways, then head downhill and back to the trail.