05/09/2024 – Bird Flew

“Come then, and let us pass a leisure hour in storytelling, and our story shall be the education of our heroes.” ― Plato, The Republic

Jesse Gobeli will lead "Bird Flew" with an estimated duration of 3 hours.

Meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Bird Ridge trailhead (mega parking lot). We will follow Bird Creek to the Falls before selecting a suitable uphill scramble to the top of Bird Ridge. We will return by the standard route.

Turnagain Arm

05/02/2024 – Ladders and Chutes

“You should not be afraid of someone who has a library and reads many books; you should fear someone who has only one book; and he considers it sacred, but he has never read it.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Lee Helzer will lead "Ladders and Chutes" with an estimated duration of 3.5 hours.

Meet at the McHugh Creek Day Use parking lot for a 6:30 departure.  We will head up the McHugh Lake trail to a hopefully mostly snow free ridge and return via a snow Chute.  Ice axe recommended for optimal glissading.

04/27/2023 – Ladders and Chutes

The Chugach Front Range

04/25/2024 – Burnt Mountain

“I don't have pet peeves like some people. I have whole kennels of irritation.” ― Whoopi Goldberg

E. Marquez will lead "Burnt Mountain" with an estimated duration of 5 hours.

Meet at 6:30 p.m. at the McHugh trailhead. We will take the trail to mile 4.5 before heading uphill to the ridge and Black Mesa. From there, we will bushwhack descend to the Rabbit Creek drainage and return via the McHugh lake trail. Snowshoes are recommended.

Turnagain Arm

04/18/2024 – Yuditna Creek Exploration

“I wandered everywhere, through cities and countries wide. And everywhere I went, the world was on my side.” ~Roman Payne, Rooftop Soliloquy

Lee Helzer will lead "Yuditna Creek Exploration" with an estimated duration of 3 hours.

Meet for a 6:30 departure at the Eklutna Lakeside Trailhead.  We will head to Yuditna Creek and trace it toward it’s headwaters and then return via roughly the same route.

Snowshoes recommended.


04/11/2024 – Wolverine Traverse

"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory." Dr. Seuss

E. Marquez will lead "Wolverine Traverse" with an estimated duration of 3.5 hours.

Meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Prospect Heights trailhead. we will take the main trail to Wolverine and the cairn. From there, we will head directly across valley to the low saddle between Wolverine and Rusty Point. After crossing over, we will drop down to the the middle fork of Campbell creek, taking trails back to the trailhead. Snowshoes will very likely be necessary. e

The Chugach Front Range

04/04/2024 – Rays on Rainbow

"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." Mark Twain

Lee Helzer will lead "Rays on Rainbow" with an estimated duration of 3.5 hours.

Meet at 6:30 in the Telephone Pole Rock parking area (on the left after Beluga Point) on the Seward Highway. We will head up to the Turnagain Arm Trail and then diverge onto a ridge heading towards the Black Mesa. From there we will asses snow conditions and either continue up the North Face or the south west ridge of Rainbow Peak (hopefully) enjoying a beautiful sunset along the way.  Ice axe and micro spikes recommended.

From the summit we will take the standard route back to the Turnagain Arm Trail and return to the cars. There are out and back opportunities for those not desiring partaking in the full enchilada.

4/22/2021 – Rays on Rainbow

4/7/2016 - Rays On Rainbow

4/7/2016 - Rays On Rainbow

Post Report

No rays on Rainbow, but plenty of flakes on Rainbow.  Recent and active snow slowed us down considerably.

Turnagain Arm

03/28/2024 – Ptarmigan Pass

“Non est ad astra mollis e terris via" - "There is no easy way from the earth to the stars” ― Seneca

Jesse Gobeli will lead "Ptarmigan Pass" with an estimated duration of 3 hours.

Meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Glen Alps trailhead. We will run the powerline trail, ascend Ptarmigan Pass, then descend to the Rabbit Lakes trail and up and over Flattop to return.

The Chugach Front Range

03/21/2024 – North Side Bunny Boots Repeat

"quote" ~by whom

Lee Helzer will lead " North Side Bunny Boots Repeat" with an estimated duration of 3 hours.

Meet for a 6:30 departure at the Glen Alps Trailhead.

This will be an attempt to fully complete North Side Bunny Boots which we had to shorten due to high winds.

The route will ascend the original route up Flattop and will continue on the ridge to Peak 3. In the Peak 3 vicinity we will descend to the Powerline Trail and return to the trail head.

North Side Bunny Boots Descent (1/4/2024)

North Side Bunny Boots Descent (1/4/2024)

The Chugach Front Range

03/14/2024 – McHugh Peak

“All grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember it.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

E. Marquez will lead "McHugh Peak" with an estimated duration of 3.5 hours.

Meet at the Rabbit Creek trailhead at 6:30 p.m. We will proceed up the main trail for a mile or so, before dropping down to the creek and then ascending the valley towards McHugh Peak. Return route will vary. Snowshoes will be required.

The Chugach Front Range

03/07/2024 – Do you know where you are?

“In times of joy, all of us wished we possessed a tail we could wag.” W. H. Auden

Jesse Gobeli will lead "Do you know where you are?" with an estimated duration of 3 hours.

Meet at the McHugh Creek trailhead at 6:30 p.m. We will proceed on the Homestead trail for a mile or so before heading directly up the south face of the mountain, scrambling alongside cliffs and narrow gullies. Microspikes and ice axe recommended. From the ridge, the return route will be determined by participants.

The Chugach Front Range

02/29/2024 – Potter Marsh Watershed Park Exploration

“The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life.” ― Rabindranath Tagore

Lee Helzer will lead "Potter Marsh Watershed Park Exploration" with an estimated duration of 2.5 hours.

Meet for a 6:30pm departure at Moen Park off Golden View Dr. We will explore trails in the proposed Potter Marsh Watershed Park.  Snowshoes advised.

PRESS RELEASE Great Land Trust to Create New 300-Acre Anchorage Park Above Potter Marsh


West Anchorage

02/22/2024 – No Man’s Land

"They say history repeats itself, let's just hope not tonight" Eliseo Marquez

E. Marquez will lead "No Man's Land" with an estimated duration of 3 hours.

Meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Prospect Heights trailhead. We will take the main trail to Wolverine to the boulder, where we will divert to No Man’s Land. We will ascend to the saddle and return. Snowshoes are advisable in light of last week’s postholing nightmare.

The Chugach Front Range