"To the lover of wilderness, Alaska is one of the most wonderful countries in the world" ~John Muir
Rob DeVelice will lead "Thanksgiving Daytime Epic" with an estimated duration of 3 hours.
Rendezvous in the coffee shop area at Carrs in the Northway Mall at noon (note earlier time then usual). We will car pool to the start along the Eklutna Lake Road. Our destination will be the summit of Mount POW/MIA. This will be a daytime version of the 11/14/13 Epic.
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Mount POW/MIA was dedicated in 1999 to all soldiers that are or have been given the status of Prisoner of War or Missing in Action. It is the largest and tallest living military monument.
On the “Thanksgiving Daytime Epic” Mike Monterusso, Anne Ver Hoef, Jesse Gobeli, Jack, and I had a fine afternoon visiting this special place.
~ R.L. DeVelice