"There is a love of wild nature in everybody, an ancient mother-love ever showing itself or no, and however covered by cares and duties." ~John Muir
Rob DeVelice will lead "Botanical Recon" with an estimated duration of 2 hours.
Meet at 6:30 pm in the Windy Corner parking area on the Seward Highway. We will begin on the Turnagain Arm Trail for a couple of kilometers and then diverge upslope via scramble and bushwack towards Sheep Thrills Ridge botanizing along the way. We will return after about one hour by the same route.
Turnagain Arm
Not sure if I’m equipped to attend. I don’t have trail running shoes, just hi cut hiking boots. I’m in fairly good shape for a 63 year old. I’m interested but not sure if I could keep up. Advice?
Don- Sorry, I didn’t see this until today. I’d test the waters with a shorter Epic (2.5h or less).
Thx Lee!